I need to make a new basic type YamlAny. Unfortunately, extending YamlValue outside of the library isn't possible. Is there another way I can go about this?
**Actual Behaviour** When running with the following serverless config for Dynamo: ``` TodosDynamoDbTable: Type: 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table' DeletionPolicy: Delete Properties: AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: eviSessionId AttributeType: S KeySchema: - AttributeName: eviSessionId KeyType: HASH...
When I include `id "com.palantir.docker" version "0.21.0"` in my build.gradle, I am greeted with this error `Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.gradle.api.model.ObjectFactory`. This is the stacktrace: ``` org.gradle.api.plugins.InvalidPluginException: An exception occurred applying...
Added attributes to Store logos to validate against content type. Added attributes to Store logos to validate against file size. Added callback to save height and width of Store logo...
Trying to add a new logo for a domain. I am using stable build 3.1. Whenever I attempt to add a logo, I get this error: ``` Paperclip::Errors::MissingRequiredValidatorError in Spree::Admin::StoresController#update...
I have a store code of "capitol-drugs". I've created a directory and index.html.erb file at /views/spree/home/capitol-drugs/index.html.erb, however no changes I make here show up on the home page. The main...