@rydmike You're right with the second case. The first case is not expected nor an issue whatsoever for us, but the second one is a bit annoying (though it just...
@rydmike Hi ! The color to change are about the Appbar : the icons themselves, its color, the color of the bar and its text, the validation button color while...
@rydmike Definitly, most of them were possible to change, either by theme or by the config, but it was not centralized and some colors were hardcoded (I haven't checked since),...
It does seems like the orientations in SystemChrome cannot be get. I guess it could be possible to add to the configuration file a list of DeviceOrientation to be called...
Hi, flutter 2.2.3 here, Samsung Galaxy S21 are having the same issue in release. Two users with a S21 reported a full phone crash. Any highlights on a fix ?