
Results 4 issues of Vresod

The last commit was from November 2017. If it is abandoned, is there an updated fork?

# Tower Crash / Fail ### Mod Version 1.4.0 (latest as of submission) ### Mod Helper Version 3.1.7 (latest as of submission) ### Tower Crosspaths Any tower no matter the...

tower crash / fail

### Addon Material Design ### What happened? The icons shown in this picture: ![image](https://github.com/TheCommieAxolotl/BetterDiscord-Stuff/assets/40863375/e69346d9-8301-4a06-a874-76cb742168b3) are gone when using the theme: ![image](https://github.com/TheCommieAxolotl/BetterDiscord-Stuff/assets/40863375/2cf70010-4f98-46cf-82f8-eff3e26ccac7) I suspect this is an issue with the new...


My friend is trying to run a minecraft server on Aternos but it doesn't allow you to upload mods, only get them from curseforge (or one of [these other hosts](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/434869699214311424/783487300067655711/wGMGWWk9JCq1QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png))....