
Results 33 comments of Jay

This is an issue in the original JK, AT-STs can and do shoot directly behind themselves if they are aware of the player. Tested and confirmed as I was only...

Basically this ticket is about the current iteration having a period at the end of the menu option string in jkGUIGeneral.c at line 59. "Disable mission start confirmation.", should be...

Same problem. Clicking on season one no results will crash the program.

The escape key now functions to skip cutscenes using the mod. The music isn't an issue with our attempts to decouple the cutscenes from the integrated levels. Massassi's first attempt...

Alright. We've successfully decoupled the cutscenes from the first level successfully without any problems as we were missing a simple a jkEndCutscene(); in the cogs. We're going through each now...

We've decoupled all cutscenes in MOTS with the levels. Each in-game cutscene is now its own level spaced correctly and tested both on OpenJKMOTS and JKGFXMOD. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmGNeC0n6jbxhq4DWs4V7aJ1w3ipLw?e=Xdc34N -Escape key functions...

Another avenue you could use is use the cutscene.goo route which doesn't include any audio natively. The task then is to implement music which is from the Star Wars OST/not...

It is nice, but it will require some work from Shiny, Nikumubeki, and myself depending on which way Shiny wants to go. Path 1: Take the [decouple cutscenes](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmGNeC0n6jbxhq4DWs4V7aJ1w3ipLw?e=Xdc34N) Nikumubeki and...

I can't remember how exactly I got it to work but I can test later if you want. I don't use them right now due to the above mentioned issues...

So some lightsaber edits are though cog edits, but I think this specific issue can be resolved by editing level files. I'd check with the author of enhancement mod to...