Any way to hide the display of the files you have already downloaded on the screen and only display the process of the new one being downloaded, so as not...
When I manage to solve the other syntax problem and get it to work, now I get this other one ←[92m[PUNCH CARDS] Completed the Punch Cards successfully !←[00m [MORE PROMO]...
When I try to start the .py file, I get this error ``` File "C:\Microsoft-Rewards-Farmer-master\ms_rewards_farmer.py", line 26 def browserSetup(headless_mode: bool = False, user_agent: str = PC_USER_AGENT) -> WebDriver: ^ SyntaxError:...
The first one is that my programming knowledge is scarce, I can defend myself a little bit. Is there any way to delete the open session after finishing the process,...
I can not download music videos every time I put the code of any video of this type I get an error of 403 content not available. I ask from...