The function `.get_installed_servers()` will still be supported in the future?
If is not avaible in mason.nvim then you will have to install it manually. Then just use `lspconfig` like they show on the wiki.
Does autocomplete work with any other language server?
So it seems you don't have nvim-cmp installed, or is not loading correctly. So whatever completions you do have working they are not configured by lsp-zero. If you don't need...
Is there a specific feature of lsp-zero that you want to use?
I recommend mapping the enter key to execute the command `FineCmdline`, and leave `:` as is. That way you can always use the default Neovim command line. Another thing you...
What about the `F` keys? They could be useful. * `` -> vim.lsp.buf.rename() * `` -> vim.lsp.buf.format({async = true}) * `` -> vim.lsp.buf.code_action() Other functions that don't have a default...
> So... Any updates on this? wave smiley Nope. No one has taken the time to create the source for `nvim-cmp` that is needed.
Current implementation of `nui.nvim` input and a nasty bug in neovim 0.6 make this more difficult than it should. Is not worth the trouble, I'll see what I can do...
The plugin that handles autocompletion is [nvim-cmp](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp). And it looks like [there is a way to check if the cursor is in a comment](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp/pull/676#issuecomment-1002532096). Now, you won't be able to...