
Results 4 issues of Dariusz

Hello, I've got strange case right now where upon starting the `RabbitMq` `consumer` based on the: - https://github.com/php-amqplib/RabbitMqBundle it causes the websocket server to freeze. It will only send messages...

Since I want to use Your package in next project I will try to explain the issue the best I can right now. Flow of data - sending between projects...

I was trying to localize the bottleneck in my API calls. That's the one **Without that:** - **Start**: 17:57:40 - **End**: 17:59:28 - **Duration**: 1min 48s - **Result**: not even...

Hello, Not going to make a pull request. This is the code which I use with webpack. **JquerySmartTab.ts** (this is the original js file, adjusted to webpack/typsecript) ```js /** *...