Fabian Vogt

Results 275 comments of Fabian Vogt

> With this cable I can receive files with speeds up to 4.0kB/s on a RPi2. The bottleneck is the slow mechanism to read and write GPIO values. For completeness,...

> Thanks :) I don't really have access to IRC tonight. > > Several notes: > > * the TI-Z80 series uses 5V, while the TI-68k series uses 3.3V but...

> given that it's significantly faster, rivaling or beating a SilverLink (!), it would be sad not to keep the mmap()-based approach around under some form. FWIW, I got around...

@DarkAlphaSete https://github.com/Vogtinator/fuse-nspire should builds and work fine on Linux.

The processor core is the same (arm926ej-s), just with a higher frequency. That means recompiling wouldn't change anything. I'm planning to release a new version soon though, which is built...

> Can we also add a vanilla low-resolution texture pack from Minecraft? You can already do that! Just save the vanilla `terrain.png` in PPM format as `ndless/crafti.ppm.tns`. > Can you...

> It looks like a curved rail when flipped That's because of a bug which got fixed some time ago. Try a build from latest master: [crafti.zip](https://github.com/Vogtinator/crafti/files/6144173/crafti.zip)

> Do you know when ControlX be available for the CX II? No. That needs a public bootrom exploit first.

About redstone, maybe you're expecting the Minecraft redstone behaviour? Crafti is different, see https://github.com/Vogtinator/crafti/issues/11

The new calcs still don't have an FPU, so using `float` instead of `Fix` for `GLFix` would most likely not result in a usable framerate. It might be possible to...