Hi @jonathanalba! Thanks for your report. Do you want to keep current date selected even if you choose another date in single selection mode?
@ShaikBaji1911 Hi, you can init VACalendar view with any dates http://prntscr.com/lw0hlt
Hi. Yes, you can use `tabBarViewEdgeInsets`for changing insets of tab bar. This will reduce the width. Let me know if this solves your problem.
Try solution in https://github.com/Yalantis/FoldingTabBar.iOS/issues/78
Hi! Try this example project below: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9wnd84tc40he7u/Example-Swift.zip?dl=0 Let me know if this solves your problem
Hi, what do you mean by : > tab bar without the controller as a menu
Hi @asadqazi ! To implement this you need: 1. Set ```calendarView.config.month.showTitle = false``` 2. Add your custom view with a label for month title and next/previous buttons. In order to...
@asadqazi update pod to ```0.0.2``` version
@asadqazi I have fixed extra top size today. What do you mean by selection size? I will check scroll(to date: Date)
@asadqazi I just checked and scroll works fine ```swift calendarView.currentDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .month, value: -1, to: calendarView.currentDate)! calendarView.scroll(to: calendarView.currentDate) ``` Maybe you have another case?