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Ewok: Real-Time Trajectory Replanning for MAVs using Uniform B-splines and 3D Circular Buffer

Results 9 ewok issues
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Can I use this planner with ardupilot? thanks

Hello everyone, Recently I'm looking into this algorithm, However I can't find where to run RRT* algorithm to generate global trajectory. Can anyone give me some help? Many thanks for...

Added an example for trajectory replanning based on point cloud input.

i've installed all dependencies and the packages but when i run catkin_make it appears like this [ 83%] Building CXX object ewok/ewok_simulation/CMakeFiles/bspline_lee_position_controller_node.dir/src/bspline_lee_position_controller_node.cpp.o /home/lgm/demo_ros/src/ewok/ewok_simulation/src/bspline_lee_position_controller_node.cpp:22:10: fatal error: mav_msgs/default_topics.h: don't have that file...

Hi. I think there is a problem in line 145 of 'trajectory_replanning_example.cpp.' As far as I understand, offset in Ring Buffer is the lower left corner of the map. However,...

Hello, I just started from scratch and these packages are missing: libgoogle-glog-dev ros-melodic-mavros ros-melodic-mavros-extras ...and obviously gazebo is not yet compatible with openCV4... I had to roll back Thanks for...

i've installed all dependencies and the packages but when i run catkin_make it appears like this ![Screenshot from 2020-02-12 15-53-04](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55482771/74318420-ccdef200-4daf-11ea-9c47-b491b16ef905.png)

Hello @vsu91, I was trying to work on a more verbose debug build by changing the compiler options specified in the ewok_ring_buffer CMakeLists.txt from `... -g -O3 ...` to `......

While working with the EWOK repository I identified an opportunity to enhance its versatility and usability, particularly in scenarios involving wheeled robots. To achieve this, I have introduced a modification...