Victor Sigler

Results 44 comments of Victor Sigler

@viktorasl Can you please compile your PR with Xcode 11.1. I'm getting errors trying to compile it in order to continue the review. Thanks.

@SolaWing Thanks for taking the time to create this PR ! Can you please rebase from the latest changes and add a unit test for your fix ?

Hey, @pakerwreah Thanks for reporting this. Unfortunately this behavior has changed as definition of routes like `/files/:path` was returning incorrect results treating `:path` as a wildcard and causing more problems...

@pakerwreah Can you more specific please about how are you using the `directoryBrowser` specifically? Why is not very useful using the `.` sequence?

@pakerwreah I understand your use now, thanks for sharing it. I think the topic of the wildcard to match all the routes in #405 would help you and solve your...

Hey, @josh83abc 👋. It would be very helpful if you could create a sample project with your issue.

Hey @poborin, yes, of course, we will be adding a prebuilt framework in our upcoming releases.

That's correct, the query parameters are stripped when the router is registered in the `HTTPRouter`. But you could always create a mechanism to handle it and return responses regarding the...

@CoderXpert I think this is something we can bring to the library and would be very useful for a lot of people. Sorry, I cannot provide with an ETA at...

@andynovak12 I'm seeing that in #285 you have an answer for it. Let me know if you need more help with that but the solution provided is an easy way...