Victor Sigler

Results 44 comments of Victor Sigler

Hey, @xNarCiik Thanks for reporting this. Unfortunately, the stack trace is not very helpful. Are you able to reproduce this issue in a sample project? Those `_hidden` lines you're experiencing...

Hey, @megakode Thanks for reporting this. Can you please run the `SwifterSampleiOS` in your iPad Mini x @ iOS x.x to see the result there when the route`/files/:path` is requested?...

`shareFilesFromDirectory` returns the `"Content-Type": mimeType` when the `fileRelativePath` exist. otherwise, the `Headers` are empty for a `200`. I think it's worth it to have more information about the file, could...

Hey, @Joebayld @kimaldis Thanks for reporting this. I would need more details about the issue, can you provide with a sample project with the reproduced bug?

@kimaldis Thanks for the sample project! I'll take a look as soon as I can.

@kimaldis I found the source of your error! Your error was coming from the impossibility of the [`sendfile`]( function to write into the socket, see below: If you put...

@Joebayld I don't know exactly what are you doing and how but as I explained above I tested the `shareFilesFromDirectory()` in the `DemoServer.swift` and it's working perfectly. So please check...

@Joebayld I can confirm that's working fine as in the `DemoServer.swift` when you run the `SwifterSampleOSX` macOS app the dir is the one in the main bundle. But you can...

Hey, @Joebayld I run your project with the latest changes in `stable` specifying in the `Podfile`: ```ruby pod 'Swifter', :git => '', :branch => 'stable' ``` Your project and the...

@Joebayld See this please #405 and my comment in the issue. That's the same issue you're having now!