
Results 13 comments of VkTheProgrammer17

If its because of EMI, make a plastic casing for it or cover the stepper motor with plastic wrapping. I know it sounds a little silly but hope it works...

you might want to re-install the Joystick library

so do you want the LED to turn on when you push the button?

i dont think the library does that. you have to build some sort of mechanism for that function separately. i'm sure you'll find something on youtube

hey! i found something on youtube for what you need.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMato4olzi8 you can wrap all of his code up in a function and use your push button like caps lock

Just use another one of the axes which is not already taken

write down which axis does what function and you'll be okay

or you could re-calibrate everything

you could use x360ce

it would recognize the xbox controller allowing you for better detection btw, are you using breadboard? if yes then it might just be fumbling a little