I will share this script assp I submit CVPR 2021. Please wait a moment.
You can directly use the feature, without upsample. The feature extraction process by I3D model would decrease the temporal length by a factor of $\frac{1}{8}$. Given 256 frames, you would...
Currently, the feature is only available on BaiduYun. You can access the data by: [this link](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bh0Vj5zh3GFhWBKWjklepA) The code is _back._
Thanks for your interests. You can extract RGB features from the provided files. I do not keep checkpoints when only using RGB features.
I cannot share these files under the constrain of their lisences.
I will reply to you later.
I encountered the same issue, and solved by following the official website instruction: [https://cn.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab-engine-for-python.html](url)