Vivek Saini
Vivek Saini
Hi @artarik, Sorry for the late response. 1. You can disable RDB files being saved by using the config `save ""`, which would remove background RDB saves entirely. 2. The...
Hi @Andrian-freebsd, What do the error messages look like? This should help us narrow down what the equivalent FreeBSD dependancies are.
Hi @12bogdan03, Are you using the default KeyDB config file. If not, can you please share the config file you're using?
That rules out issues with multithreading, what version of Redis config file are you using?
Oh that's my mistake, I meant what version of Redis RDB file are you using?
Hi @YuriyHab, This looks like bug and we're looking into it at the moment. When you say you're locking keys with RLock, are you referring to the in built Python...
No worries! I have a few more probing questions: 1. I'm assuming you're using RabbitMQ as the message broker and KeyDB as the backend, yes? 2. What library specifically are...
I've setup a test environment with what you've described (3 nodes active replica KeyDB backend with persistence, RabbitMQ broker, Celery workers using Redis-py to lock keys before setting and getting...
Sounds good, do let us know if you do manage to roll back your project and are able to replicate the issue.