Vítor Ferreira
Vítor Ferreira
Hi! Can you add gif sticker support (like instagram) to the library? How can I add this feature to my app? Thanks in advance!
When opening my activity and the keyboard, my app is closing with this following error : ``` java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/kevalpatel2106/emoticongifkeyboard/internal/emoticon/EmoticonDbHelper; at com.kevalpatel2106.emoticongifkeyboard.internal.emoticon.EmoticonGridFragment.getEmoticonsList(EmoticonGridFragment.java:153) at com.kevalpatel2106.emoticongifkeyboard.internal.emoticon.EmoticonGridFragment.onViewCreated(EmoticonGridFragment.java:96) at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentStateManager.createView(FragmentStateManager.java:322) at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager.moveToState(FragmentManager.java:1185)...
I am trying to cut a video recorded by my phone. When cutting, the following error is displayed: `Failed to stop the muxer` video path : ` /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vitor.videoeditor/files/Movies/Speeacht/VID_20200718_121633.mp4` destine path:...
Hello, I'm trying to put thumbnails in my videos as in this [example](https://github.com/eneim/toro/blob/025b324237c780cdcf7d97d00899312f4af20086/demo-ads/src/main/java/toro/demo/ads/mopub/VideoViewHolder.java#L40). I'm using ToroPlayer.EventListener but it does not seem to be working. How to fix this? Here is...
Hello. In my adapter I set up an ImageView in front of the player to be used as a thumbnail and remove it when the video starts playing. However after...
Some stories are ending by the time experienced. For example: ``` val listOfViews = listOf( MomentzView(textView, 60), MomentzView(customView, 60), MomentzView(locallyLoadedImageView, 60) ) ``` is ending in 30 seconds.How to solve...
Hello. Is it possible to display videos with this library and synchronize the state (play, pause etc) with the progress bar? If so could someone give me an example? Thanks...
Hi. I'm using the following code to add fragments with StoriesProgressView to the viewpager: ``` for (String id : userIdList) { adapter.addFragment(new StoryFragment(id)); } ``` But when I open the...