Vishnu Raghuram
Vishnu Raghuram
Thank you for your response. yes I am setting the `-x` flag. `coincident_nodes_in.csv` has 3732 elements and `coincident_nodes.tsv` has only one line which appears to be the header. Is this...
Yes it is populated in my smaller test set. the number of elements in `coincident_nodes_in.csv` match the number of lines in `coincident_nodes.tsv` (minus the header)
I doubt it is the first gene name as the smaller set is just the first few lines of the larger set. It could be something specific to the HPC,...
Running it locally on the full dataset populates the _nodes.tsv file. You may be right in that it has to do with the HPC. Do you have ideas for a...
Thanks for your help! Feel free to close the issue if you wish.