
Results 17 comments of Virsacer

Also happens with Icinga 2.13.4-1

Hi @Al2Klimov well I meant I have set `check_interval = 1m` It did not happen around a reload or restart. DATATYPE::HOSTPERFDATA TIMET::1658320027 HOSTNAME::MYHOST HOSTPERFDATA::rta=0.006ms;1000.000;2000.000;0; pl=0%;25;45;; rtmax=0.017ms;;;; rtmin=0.003ms;;;; HOSTCHECKCOMMAND::icmp HOSTSTATE::UP HOSTSTATETYPE::HARD...

The whole minute unfiltered is ~8000 lines What should I be looking for? Also this is a single master.

Ok, thats basically what I did with my grep... I did have a look at the minute before and after and noticed that the check did also run twice (but...

Yes, in the other minutes it was not the same second... When grepping just for the finish messages, I noticed that there are only a couple of minutes where it...

Before: ![Before]( After: ![After](

Try this: Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/NameOfTheSubdirectoryYouAreUsing/api/.*# && %{HTTP:Authorization} =~ m#^Bearer .*#

Oh, I didnt notice... So here it is again: `Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/NameOfTheSubdirectoryYouAreUsing/api/.*# && %{HTTP:Authorization} =~ m#^Bearer .*#`

Requests to the api that already have an authorization token bypass the basic auth.

> > `Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/NameOfTheSubdirectoryYouAreUsing/api/.*# && %{HTTP:Authorization} =~ m#^Bearer .*#` > > Where should this be added please? Your Apache-Config where you define your Basic Auth