Hi, The idea started after seing issue #39, which I agree on being out of PortPHP scope. PortPHP should focus on transforming data in one format to another format, format...
Hi, It would be nice to have a **headers validator**. It would be usefull to check that some required headers are presents in the data source, and throw an exception...
Hi, Just discovered this lib and it looks promising. I've got a comment to make however on the way readers and workflow interact. Right now, the reader must be built...
Hi there, My first PR to PHP-CS-Fixer, please give advises on anything that can be enhanced. Creation of a new rule to allow to align PHP 8.1's backed enum values:...
Hi all, I was wondering what you think about making FOSUserBundle able to send new activation email. Let's imagine the case where the user register your application and lost is...
For now, building, characters and menus' title are stored in the conf file. It would be better to use the Qt Translation System to provide titles. Ideally, the conf files...
For now, all assets are living into the asset folder, and this folder must be distributed with the executable. We should investigate on the Qt Resource System to store the...
Upgrade to Qt5. Give a clean in `#include` directives.