Marcos Vinícius - Flutter | Frontend

Results 5 issues of Marcos Vinícius - Flutter | Frontend

**I'm getting a fatal exception when I monitor on android** Flutter version: 2.2.3 Flutter_beacon: ^0.5.1 Samsung A10 - Android 10 **My Code** ` await flutterBeacon.initializeScanning; void start(List regions) { flutterBeacon.monitoring(regions).listen((MonitoringResult...

I have the following FlSpot list: FlSpot(1, 0), FlSpot(30, 0), FlSpot(29, 0), FlSpot(28, 0), FlSpot(27, 0), Because there is FlSpot(1, 0), it autocompletes the x axis until it reaches FlSpot(27,...

Line Chart
Needs Reproducible Code

Does this package intend to receive new updates?

Flutter: 3.3.10 Version: `icons_launcher: ` The error is generated when trying to run the command `flutter pub run icons_launcher:create` Error: `Could not find bin/create.dart in package icons_launcher.`

After killing the app the scans are interrupted and I get the message: " Tried to send a platform message to Flutter, but FlutterJNI was detached from native C++. Could...