Vincent FINET

Results 80 comments of Vincent FINET

Little bug with the width of the headers (including not seeing the sorting icon), Great bug with the vertical headers (for example check Comparator page/tab)

Included in Beryllium by default, you can now filter on packages and objects.

This idea has been split into multiple tickets: - #107 give info about CRUDs on Profile/Permission Set - #108 give info about FLSs on Profile/Permission Set - #109 give info...

While reviewing this ticket i found a bug here: ``` { name: '{!JSENCODE($Label.OrgCheck_Encrypted_CL)}', property: 'unique', formula: (r) => { return helper.html.render.checkbox(r.unique); }}, { name: 'Unique', property: 'encrypted', formula: (r) =>...

See here: and here: The two pages are now coherent.

But I display encrypted ONLY on the Object / Field page. Not on custom field page. Let's create a field encrypted on Account and see what happens: Yeah not possible...

so encrypt info is on the object page. let's say the job is done!

oppps forgot to commit my change!!

I created fake group in my dev: