Vincent FINET
Vincent FINET
I solved this in #222
Little bug with the width of the headers (including not seeing the sorting icon), Great bug with the vertical headers (for example check Comparator page/tab)
Included in Beryllium by default, you can now filter on packages and objects.
This idea has been split into multiple tickets: - #107 give info about CRUDs on Profile/Permission Set - #108 give info about FLSs on Profile/Permission Set - #109 give info...
While reviewing this ticket i found a bug here: ``` { name: '{!JSENCODE($Label.OrgCheck_Encrypted_CL)}', property: 'unique', formula: (r) => { return helper.html.render.checkbox(r.unique); }}, { name: 'Unique', property: 'encrypted', formula: (r) =>...
See here: and here: The two pages are now coherent.
But I display encrypted ONLY on the Object / Field page. Not on custom field page. Let's create a field encrypted on Account and see what happens: Yeah not possible...
so encrypt info is on the object page. let's say the job is done!
oppps forgot to commit my change!!
I created fake group in my dev: