Víctor Martín
Víctor Martín
Currently migrating this app from class to functional components. This app uses the React legacy context API which was compatible with React-Redux 5.x. Because of that, components that use the...
I'm trying to figure out how to insert lights within a pathtracing generated scene. Link to the relevant codesanbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-three-gpu-pathtracer-forked-g2l8l2?file=/src/App.js In this example, I added a red RectAreaLight within lines...
Hi all! Been trying to use the extension but I'm getting this error. ``` Command failed: npx ng g @componizer/schematics:ng-componize --name hello-world --activeFile "path-to-component.html" --start 39 --end 39 --customSkipImport true...
Hi! I'm currently in the looks for a library that does the same as Reflector on Three.js but with better performance. I'm seeing that with this library, I have to...