@scottycroy try this i try with server and WASM Not hosted and both working fine look once if you like it
> Hello botallen it's permanent close or temporary please don't close the server if need money then I will donnet 100Rs every month I agree i will also 100Rs every...
@Relki did you get any solution? same my requirement and looking for documentation etc.
> i said because of many peoples want xaml desginer. because its very painfull for just view app desgin with hot reload and last time when i see you closed...
> The star of the emulator and build may be slow depending on your hardware and/or other running applications. However, if the deployment and running is the slow part, do...
I start the Emulator, Build the Project, Clear the auto generated File's rebuild etc i try all the thing's then i decide report here. But yesterday i connect my Android...