Victor Lamoine

Results 35 comments of Victor Lamoine

`pip3 install piexif`solves the problem. Or `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` to install all the dependencies using pip

Yes I am using the binaries from the release page. I have compiled/installed OpenCascade 1.6.0 with the additional toolkits: ``` BUILD_ADDITIONAL_TOOLKITS TKSTEP;TKIGES;TKMesh ``` Then compiled `f3d` enabling the `OCCT` and...

I am able to load the STEP file but still no colors (latest master) ```bash $ ./bin/f3d --version f3d 1.2.1 F3D - A fast and minimalist 3D viewer Version: 1.2.1...

Yes of course :) [Support télé](

The model contains colors and OpenCascade is capable or reading them because CAD Assistant loads and displays colors fine: ![image](

When I release closed source software to clients I do my releases locally, this requires rosdep keys to be added so I have created scripts to help me do the...

Complaint is a strong word. You have done some awesome work with this repository. Please don't feel offended :hugs:

Happened to me already, I thought I was doing something wrong at that time!

:+1: the verbose arguments results in test being hidden in dozens of lines. This is un-readable. @davetcoleman have you found a "trick" to make things better? I didn't! I'm sticking...

@HWiese1980 I'm still sticking to `catkin_make` when reading failed tests. I did not find a solution to this issue.