Лучше вообще убрать эту бесячую всплывашку к чёртовой матери, и сделать её вывод по кнопке на панели управления, где кнопка "плей" и т.д., либо вообще убрать её в Настройки -...
I have no music in fo2-ce since v1.2 and in fo1-ce since release. Some people also think it is related to thsi problem wit hfile naming. (original game files are...
Interesting. I have to check this, since I don't have music in fo1-ce and fo2-ce since v 1.2 (on Android) ALthough I believe original files sholuld be in all capitals...
Not sure. Well, I've tried replacing the files manually, using TcNo-Acc-Switche_2023-07-05_00.7z Nothing has changed (I still see that updating loop on app launch attempt). Should I try to remove the...
UPD: Fresh install changed nothing, but I've got an error message during installation. Something like (this particular screenshot is not mine, because I forgot to take a screenshot -...
This is the problem of the original game. You can watch intro with subtitles by starting a new game, enabling subtitles, then exiting the game and starting it over. Or...
> @Vic2077 > > Are subs working for you? I tried both release x86,x64 and CI/CD debug x86,x64 and they weren't displaying for me. Win11 GOG. Worked in fallout1-re. They...
> > They do > > Can you watch the intro with subtitles? And the initial overseer speech? I just tested it and it doesn't work for me. Yes. Although,...
> Latest available on GOG + Fallout1-ce 1.0 (release)
I think i've already asked for this too, but if not - here i am. Besides, i somply don't want to have a ton of similiar apps on my system...