
Results 22 comments of Viajaz

@russorat Is this issue actually dead? Are more authentication options on the InfluxDB 2 roadmap?

Quick and dirty idea if one doesn't want to deal with `MimeUtils.GenerateMessageId` handling ```powershell if ($InlineAttachments) { foreach ($A in $InlineAttachments) { $LR = $BodyBuilder.LinkedResources.Add($A) $LR.ContentId = Split-Path -Path $A...

@darkoperator So many Cmdlets have no real documentation in there though. For example: - What does `-PrompPattern` do with `Invoke-SSHShellStreamCommand`? - Why does the docs say `Invoke-SSHStreamShellCommand` outputs `System.Int32` when...

- No Pode Errors Log are produced when enabled and code tested, nothing on stderr or relevant on stdout either. - Changing Thread Pool to a single thread does not...

@Badgerati I can't reproduce the issue when I use `Invoke-WebRequest` in a PowerShell 7.2 instance, the issue only seems to present itself on Windows PowerShell 5.1 when using `Invoke-WebRequest`, even...

I tried using `mitmproxy` to inspect what was going on, the behaviour doesn't occur in PowerShell 5.1 when a local mitmproxy instance is specified via `Proxy` parameter to `Invoke-WebRequest`. I...

Neither restoring the SChannel configuration to default on the Windows Server instance nor removing Client Certificate authentication from the Pode Endpoint and Route has changed the behaviour...

@Badgerati For some reason, I'm not getting any Pode_Errors log file generation with: ```powershell New-PodeLoggingMethod -File -Name 'Pode_Errors' -Path "C:\ProgramData\Pode" -MaxDays 4 | Enable-PodeErrorLogging -Level Error, Debug, Verbose ``` I...

I got the logging working with the Pode Server instance without Client Certificate. I did two requests with: ```powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -TimeoutSec 20 ``` -the first (`ffffffff-ffff-ffff-fffffffffffffffff`) succeeded and...

> Do the requests also work normally from any browser as well, or other tools? Yes.