Veikka Tuominen

Results 197 comments of Veikka Tuominen

Do you have zlib installed and does `-DZIG_STATIC_ZLIB=on` make any difference?

> ``` > compiler [222/1114] compile_errors/packed_struct_with_fields_of_not_allowed_types (stage2, nati... > Unexpected error: > ================================================================================ > ./zig-cache/tmp/plW0auczXefu6bBW/tmp.zig:51:8: error: unable to codegen: InputOutput > ================================================================================ > update_index=0 > ``` How do I debug...

ci.ziglang is hitting #12288 (at least locally), drone is hitting #11871, and sourcehut is hitting some sort of disk failure?

Why do you expect the pointer to be `0`? That is not even a value allowed by the type.

> @Vexu, indeed it does not need to be `0`. In order for the `read` example to work, it just needs to be a valid pointer. Sounds like the actual...

Have you tried applying that patch to [zig-bootstrap]( and building with that?

The test case `dont_implicit_cast_double_pointer_to_anyopaque.zig` suggests that this is intentional.

Duplicate of #11981.

In that case it might be duplicate of #12120