As a minor plug for one of said lists-
> Can you compile just a simple QTextEdit to see if the problem persists Regretfully I'm not familiar with using QT enough to do so with much proficiency- but I...
Both \u201e and \u201c are in the quotes dictionary- Is the order correct? Does „ precede ‟ or is it the other way maybe?
Ah, you've got it- `_quotes['\u201e']` resolves to `\u201f` which isn't `\u201c`. Consulting the [wikipedia page,]( `\u201c` seems to be the correct option. It also introduces a whole lot of quotes...
Ah, taking a second look and check- Bosnian, Croatian, Hungarian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, and Serbian all use ` „…”` (\u201e:\u201f) while Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Georgian, German, Icelandic, Lithuanian,...
A quick patch with some obvious side effects would be to use the following code which coerces all quotes on a quote failure to `"`- ``` async def on_command_error(ctx, error):...
This library has overall needed a prose/concept guide for some time. [There is a start guide for just building a bot]( which, as you note, doesn't showcase commands ext and...
You can implement this behavior fairly easily with a command subclass, by calling `command.root_parent.on_error` inside `command.dispatch_error`. See: That said, this behavior feels fairly niche for mainline implementation.
This is pretty niche and would be best accomplished by writing your own decorator that wrapped the commands.command deco, ala ``` def mydeco(func): return commands.command(ignore_extra=False)(func) @mydeco async def mycommand... ```...
The callback doesn't need to receive that information that way- you could for example, use a sink factory that took that information in from the scope.