
Results 21 issues of Vexatos

``` * CovertJaguar should make a redstone interface block that supports triggers Hah Make it a box in fact, yes...I'll do that ```

signal and routing
mod compatibility

It is so silly!

If "Adwaita:dark" is selected as the GTK theme on Windows, titles fail to render. It seems to fail to find a font, as titles are displayed using unicode boxes. Ordinary...

Minimal Project file for the generator scripts. See From CI or tests, it'd be called like this: ```julia using Gtk # latest Gtk from dev, imported in the main...

Some of our Windows users are unable to launch our program after the update to Julia 1.3 and Gtk.jl 1.0.0. This appears during launch. ```log ERROR: LoadError: InitError: failed process:...

It was the only vowel for which no standard is in there.

The multiblock messages often mention absolute coordinates or the X, Y or Z axis. This should not be done as it breaks the immersive gameplay Forestry usually provides. You could...

Since version 1.2.3, Gtk.jl crashes on load on Windows with the following error: ``` ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: InitError: IOError: could not spawn setenv(`'[redacted]\julia\artifacts\57bd9311faafa3d8e73dfb991c2cb420f2c65ab9\bin\gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders.exe'`,["GDK_PIXBUF_MODULEDIR=[redacted]\\julia\\artifacts\\57bd9311faafa3d8e73dfb991c2cb420f2c65ab9\\lib\\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\\2.10.0\\loaders", "GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark", "JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=[redacted]\\julia", "XDG_DATA_DIRS=[redacted]\\julia\\artifacts\\65eca7c48dea1e32203b205613441ce9506045b4\\share;[redacted]\\julia\\artifacts\\eb6ac7b2d830e5142ad5e345e54fb33dc7aafd6c\\share;[redacted]\\julia\\artifacts\\da6c2aa0d20a483437256f245d3c35b25e667c62\\bin\\..\\share", "GTK_CSD=1", "GTK_AUTO_IDLE=false", "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=8", "FONTCONFIG_FILE=[redacted]\\julia\\artifacts\\c916a560fa109a4db3d6938a8ab1a6a8b4a09731\\etc\\fonts\\fonts.conf",...

Update to make it look a lot better.

I would translate the mod into the German language if it was added.