Thanks. I can not understand input file format for this application. Can you explain it? And an example command line would be better
Is there anybody could help me?
Ok. Is the ouput of the last hidden layer used at the input of the next neural network?
Yes, I mean this. Ok, thanks
Is it good at performance using several hidden layers instead of a single hidden layer? Which is better: use a single hidden layer with size 400, or 4 hidden layers...
Hi! I have two different toolkits for training of the rnnlm: the first one is rnnlm-hs-0.1b (Ilya-multithreading), and the second one is faster-rnnlm.The faster-rnnlm is faster than rnnlm-hs-0.1b about 3...
Hi! I read all your answers to the questions asked. I want to say thanks for your answers. But I need some detailed explaination. I will ask a question, may...