
Results 17 comments of Veldkip

I cannot make it more clear!!!! My time is pretty valuable......... Are you developer? Or administration?

I always have several windows open, with different subjects. Cannot name these windows. Would be good if I could when using Tabs aside. Will not better the situation when re-opening...

terribly busy! will get back on it later. sorry. Raul Veldhuizen [image: 📱] +31654 378 678 Lepelaar 7 1191SL Ouderkerk [image: ☎] +3120 496 5557 Virusvrij. Op zo 1...

![Feb24 hb ana]( I see no way no add the files. As you can see the 2 are identical but 1 started later. I can't succeed in correcting that.... :-(

![Feb24 hb ana]( I see no way no add the files. As you can see the 2 are identical but 1 started later. I can't succeed in correcting that.... :-(

Just finished my 2nd attempt. All OK now!! Initially used GPX format, now FIT. Also the sync is only a tiny bit off now, which is amazing, the difference between...

Maybe interesting to know what I'm doing: I forgot to put on my chest strap 1 day and noticed that when I came home. So my Edge didn't have a...

I had logged in as a guest. Does that explain I could find on how to change the axle value? Starting point did do something but then reported unlogical behaviour.

Found it! For the future. I repeated the situation the next day, but then had the Garmin chest sensor reg through 820. Like you said: something goes totally wrong........