I also noticed that `allMissionObjects` is a heavy command in an [other project](https://github.com/Vdauphin/HeartsAndMinds/pull/808) I resolved the issue by using a ```sqf btc_groundWeaponHolder = []; ["GroundWeaponHolder", "InitPost", {btc_groundWeaponHolder append _this}] call...
Definitely this PR simplify the CBA_missionTime update and resolve CBA_missionTime being stuck due to tiny add of value to a big number. But, I feel it missing the opportunity to...
Nice! Do you plan to migrate CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute and PFH to this?
Way better! Why not make it the default behavior?
I will go for a `[{isNull isVehicleCargo _this}, ace_cargo_fnc_unloadItem] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute` I guess
Do you have a class name for the WW2 pallet?
This PR don't need ViV events
Before this PR, the ViV allow loading vehicle visually (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport). Before this PR, ACE cargo system load item and hide them under the ground by using `attachTo` With this PR,...
> Isn't that confusing? you select "unload all" and it only unloads half of the things thinking It is as before. The current behavior is when you "unload all vehicles"...