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GitHub Action to build and publish Docker Images to GitHub Container Registry

Results 6 gp-docker-action issues
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Is it possible to run a build and tag it with multiple tags? The use case would be to use `extract-git-tag: true` while also updating a `latest` tag up to...

Is it currently possible to build Containers for different architectures? or are you able to add that logic?

I am trying to pass build args to this action and it does not seem to want to work. I have tried with quotes, without quotes, nothing I try seems...

For a repo with url ```` and ImageName ``TestProject`` the packages are pushed to: - Push URL: ```` - Package Address: ``TestProject/TestProject:latest`` This pull request removes the last part and...

Currently, the full name of the image is `:`. However, my repository produces a single docker image. As a result, I would like for it to be `:`, so, I...