Vaughn Vernon

Results 10 issues of Vaughn Vernon

Thanks for your work on this, @azam and @jkugiya. I think that by making the implementation instance based (rather than all static methods), it would be quite straightforward to support...

- Port and enable tests that are in `xoom-petclinic` to `xoom-petclinic-2` to ensure all is working - Note that no custom code was written in `xoom-petclinic-2` - Ensure `xoom-petclinic` can...

There are details in the `README` that are not in the ``. The details must be in the docs and removed from the `README`.

Implement support for R2DBC. This may be something such as `jdbi-r2dbc`. FYI: Also, we support Jdbi in the `vlingo-symbio` which is part of our reactive platform. Check it...

help wanted

@bwehrle Please check to ensure this is what we discussed. I have only created the interfaces and implementations for `MailboxConfiguration`. After you confirm I will add the abstraction over plugin...

- When `logger()` is used, don't log if the log level is not enabled / in scope - Provide `isLevelEnabled()` where *`Level`* is `Info` `Warn` `Error` `Fatal` `Debug` ...

The test must create a subclass of `SmallestMailboxRouter`, which can be seen here: The test must also create two or more other actors that implement a protocol to serve...

The following tests must be converted to use `AccessSafely` rather than bare `TestUntil`: - ConfirmingDistributorTest - MockManagedOutboundChannel (mock for tests)

Use Beanstalk, ECR, or other options best for Kubernetes.


When starting out with either `Completes` or `CompletableFuture` and then transitioning to the other in the same pipeline, you can't get back to `Completes` from `CompletableFuture` because `CompletableFuture` only returns...