
Results 14 comments of VasylSamoilov

it should be something like: sudo printf "$ID:$MESSAGE" | ./pocsag -f $FREQUENCY -r $BAUDRATE -b $FBIT example printf "1234567:Doorbell!" | ./pocsag -f 434000000 -r 1200 -b 0

have you modified boot.txt? this is part of script to get pi more stable: And I found that pi 3b is the best. Not all pi are equal.

pocsag uses 7-bit encoding, ![image]( and pager encoding can be different from device to device. You may try to form a message with all possible symbols in 7 bits and...

POCSAG don't have a concept of code page. Just send ASCII characters and see what happens.

that is correct. you can't have multiple character set at once - you need to choose will it be english or chinese. what character sets are available depends on pager...

Same problem with Motorola advisor linguist. Tried nearly all possible combinations, nothing seems to work on a pager. Shows several "antenna" icons, but no reaction at all. Tried raspbian stretch...

No, I got it connected to a programmer. Numbers are correct. I also tried capturing with sdr# and virtual audio cable to decoder and it only able to decode 2400...

I switched pager to 2400 but no luck, regretfully.

It was a faulty pager, got another one working on 512 baud.

The problem is, probably, with the pager radio. It's tuned to another frequency, maybe inverted or just plain faulty. Did you programmed pager yourself to proper CAP codes and speed?...