Vasiliy Bondarenko

Results 19 comments of Vasiliy Bondarenko

now i catch crash on just one object - array with objects ``` php d($tyresArray, "tyresArray"); ``` funny thing is i still can't isolate the problem - when i dumping...

i installed it just recently. but anyway - i have just reinstalled extension. no result. same issue. On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:03 PM, Sergey [email protected] wrote: > Hi...

turned off all other extensions - no luck :) On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 12:59 AM, Vasiliy Bondarenko [email protected] wrote: > i installed it just recently. > but anyway...

but this will block the node from working for days potentially - to replay all data and keep up with the network again. it would be nice to have some...

1. yes. i get the keys, but can't get derived keys. so, yes, i'm referring to eosjs. is there any other way to create derived keys? 2. ok. great. thanks.

ok. let's try: ``` let { Keystore, Keygen } = require( 'eosjs-keygen' ) Eos = require( 'eosjs' ) sessionConfig = { timeoutInMin: 30, uriRules: { 'owner': '/account_recovery', 'active': '/(transfer|contracts)', 'active/**':...

ok. i've managed to generate keys offline. i've looked through the links above... but i still don't understand the purpose of uris. is it just for storage? i don't keep...

ok. i removed extra dependency. so if i need a sequence of addresses, i need to do something like: ```js const master = PrivateKey.fromSeed( 'test' ) const childKeys1 = master.getChildKey(...

Ok. And how do i use my local node? And why is it required at all?