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Keys without network access
How to generate master key and derived keys without network access? How to convert keys to corresponding address?
- there is not a single network api call in eosjs-keygen .. there are however network calls in eosjs .. are you referring to eosjs?
- eos does not have addresses, only public keys..
yes. i get the keys, but can't get derived keys. so, yes, i'm referring to eosjs. is there any other way to create derived keys?
ok. great. thanks.
yes, keystore.getPublicKey and keystore.getPrivateKey https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs-keygen/blob/master/API.md#module_Keystore
here are example keyPath parameter: 'owner', 'active', 'active/mypermission' ref: https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs-keygen/blob/master/API.md#keyPath
ok. let's try:
let { Keystore, Keygen } = require( 'eosjs-keygen' )
Eos = require( 'eosjs' )
sessionConfig = {
timeoutInMin: 30,
uriRules: {
'owner': '/account_recovery',
'active': '/(transfer|contracts)',
'active/**': '/producers'
keystore = Keystore( 'myaccount1231548489', sessionConfig )
eos = Eos.Testnet( { keyProvider: keystore.keyProvider } )
.then( keys => {
// create blockchain account called 'myaccount1231548489'
// console.log( keys )
} )
prints out null
i've read docs, still don't get it.
Add keystore.deriveKeys({parent: keys.masterPrivateKey})
before you call getPublicKey("active/1")
It will be interesting to see ideas in how roles are used..
Here is a use-case showing how the roles, keys, and page navigation interact: https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs-keygen/blob/v1.3.2/src/keystore.test.js#L424-L443
In the uri rules history
test pathname
represents the browsers location bar: https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs-keygen/blob/v1.3.2/src/keystore.test.js#L224-L253
ok. i've managed to generate keys offline. i've looked through the links above... but i still don't understand the purpose of uris. is it just for storage? i don't keep keys in storage at all. should i care about uris?
i don't keep keys in storage at all. should i care about uris?
No you don't need this library then.. Have a look at my comment here, please let me know if this helps and I'll see what I can do to document this better..
Updated README https://github.com/EOSIO/eosjs-keygen/commit/02cea2f79e05a704a9430a933d003574eb6ebb41
ok. i removed extra dependency. so if i need a sequence of addresses, i need to do something like:
const master = PrivateKey.fromSeed( 'test' )
const childKeys1 = master.getChildKey( 'active/1' )
const publicKey1 = childKeys1.toPublic().toString()
const childKeys2 = ownerPrivate.getChildKey( 'active/2' )
const publicKey2 = childKeys2.toPublic().toString()
does is look correct?
It was designed to go like this:
master.getChildKey( 'owner').getChildKey('active').getChildKey('1').toString()
Owner is the parent of all keys including active.. Active is the parent of all custom permission keys..
I am not aware of any use-case for owner having another child other than active .. Let me know if you see one..
You might do better with actual permission names instead of 1, 2, 3 ..