
Results 8 comments of John

Not suggesting a change of approach here, just noting other options that some of us have resorted to. For me, to get 1.9.x working, I searched on the error and...

I just got: Application Name: dupeGuru Version: 4.1.1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "qt\", line 64, in headerData File "core\gui\", line 42, in row_count AttributeError: 'DetailsPanel' object has no...

Any plans to include this simple pull request? Anyone using this code in Typescript needs to redo this fix every time we update Angular. Uggg! Others should also add comments/requests...

Here is the pull request, its just a 1 line change!!!

It would also be GREAT to allow auto-update as needed, as an option. No 2 week delays, an evergreen PowerShell!

My (limited) understanding is that there are two destinations for PowerShell updates: 1) MS Store (which I've always avoided like the plague) which gets updated quickly. Then there is also...

@psr, Yep, a lot of fiddling/bother for what 'should' be a boring part of the tooling.

So users need to hack their computers (i.e., not just click some button in some settings panel), right? On every dev environment we set up? Ugg. Oh well, thx anyway.