Vallari Agrawal
Vallari Agrawal
resolves internetarchive/bookreader#580 Rotated the progress bar by 180 degrees for RTL books. 
This is version 3 of the nvmeof teuthology test. 1. Deploy 2 gateways on different nodes, then check for multi-path. To add another gateway, only "roles" need to be changed...
This PR does the following: 1. add new jobs 'nvmeof_mon_thrash' and 'nvmeof_thrash': run 'nvmeof.thrash' and 'mon_thrash' thrashers with fio in background 2. qa/tasks/ 3.1. create multiple rbd images for all...
ceph-nvmeof "listener add" cmd used arg "--gateway-name" in nvmeof:1.0.0 (see script). This has been changed to "--host-name" in nvmeof:1.2.5 Following thing need to be done before merging this PR:...
Solves #34 Moved all the constants to provider files.