Valentin Kaisermayer

Results 50 issues of Valentin Kaisermayer

```julia f = Figure() ax = Axis(f[1,1]) lines!(cumsum(randn(100))) scatter!(randn(100), randn(100)) f ``` ![image]( The same is true if I activate GLMakie without display. If I switch to CairoMakie I get...


It seems that inside a recipe the color palette is ignored: ```julia @recipe(StackedArea, x, Y) do scene Attributes() end function Makie.plot!(stackedarea::StackedArea) x = stackedarea[:x] Y = stackedarea[:Y] for i in...

Would it be possible to specify the variable scope in the `@variables` macro? Like: `@variables p [scope = ParentScope]` Since `instream` is part of MTK. Considering that `input=true` seems to force a variable to be a state, which is an undocumented behaviour and seems to change the behaviour of the model, I would suggest... From the [Modelica specs]( > A connection set of causal variables (input/output) may at most contain variables from one inside output connector (for state-machines extended as specified in [section... Many fields are simply ignored: e.g. `observed`. However, this would be good for sharing models and not exposing the code it generated. See also #1199 and #1604 The docs should mention this.

Let's say I want to simulate an MPC controller where the plant is an MTK system. I would need to access the current measurements and would have to modify control...


For MTKs `OptimizationSystem` it would be great to have something similar to `Equation(lhs, rhs)` for inequalities. Maybe something like this: ```julia struct Inequality lhs rhs relational_op end ``` where $x^2...