Valentin Hervieu
Valentin Hervieu
Touch events are so painful to handle for iOS, nothing is standard. 😞 I had several issues with several iOS version for too. Sometimes, you just need to add...
When I mentioned gesture handler, I meant something like this:
No sorry, this is quite an edge case and I don't have the time to fix it.
I understand this is important for you guys but I don't have an iOS device to test this issue and I'm not really maintaining this library anymore. PRs to fix...
Hi, I didn't know about `strictComponentBindingsEnabled`. Would you like to submit a PR fixing this?
As explained in other issues and on the "Sliders inside a modal" demo (, you need to call `$rootScope.$broadcast('rzSliderForceRender');` when the accordion is opening.
Indeed, stepsArray should contains values that can be compared with "===". The only exception are Date instances that are handled as well.
Yes you are right. At first sight, I don't understand what can be the issue and also, I haven't test this slider with ES6 so I don't know if your...
What OS/Browser are you using? I've trie to reproduce your steps but didn't notice anything broken... Could you record a gif showing the issue?
Actually I posted a similar issue yesterday that seems to be related: #476. I'll try to look into it over the weekend.