Vale the Violet Mote
Vale the Violet Mote
### 1) Multiplayer Skill CFG Permits the following vars in skill cfg: sk_mp_suitcharger sk_mp_plr_crowbar sk_mp_plr_9mm_bullet sk_mp_plr_357_bullet sk_mp_plr_9mmAR_bullet sk_mp_plr_9mmAR_grenade sk_mp_plr_buckshot sk_mp_plr_xbow_bolt_client sk_mp_plr_rpg sk_mp_plr_egon_wide sk_mp_plr_egon_narrow sk_mp_plr_hand_grenade sk_mp_plr_satchel sk_mp_plr_tripmine sk_mp_plr_hornet These allow you...
When using an indexed transparent PNG as a source image for a texture, while HLTT does add the blue color as the final index as asked, it doesn't replace the...
Looks like you've replaced it with "selectorGroup", but your readme still refers to "groupCheckboxes" as well.
**Describe the bug** I'm not clear on if this is a bug or intentional ( Wonderdraft is also a GPU hog, but they have a specific reason related to coastline...
Feature Request: optional patch that places the new race/class combos in the starting zones containing an appropriate trainer for that race/class combo. E.g., any Horde paladin will start in Silvermoon....
I'm new to Go, but I'd like to help. Is there a discord server?