Results 25 comments of BRX

Some precision : By @NZT48 : "The 'Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined' is not related to GraphDB [or Blazegraph], but to changes that we introduced into data layer about...

Hello @jlsam, just a quick heads up that I am BRX from Discord :) Just like you, I think the team should consider supporting mariadb going forward, as it is...

Definitely not saying we need a password for our use case, and if team goes ahead with mariaDB (which they should !!) then your fix to unix_socket does seem to...

The backup folder basically contains of all data your node holds which is taking up most of the space. Since node runners have been spamming the network, it is normal...

the backup dir can be deleted without any repercussions to the functionalities of the node and dependencies. As to why your backup dir is so big specifically, you'd have to...

There is but requires a bit of tinkering, if you want 1 on 1 help I can try lending you a hand on discord or tg node channel. @BRX86 is...

Can you provide more details about your system ? Also provide logs on Blazegraph and make sure it is running. journalctl -u blazegraph --output cat -fn 100 I have not...

were you all running the same publish script ?

Very intriguing. Would be interesting to see whether this error occurs with other scripts made by the community, like the ones from cosmicloud [here ]( [here]( or from sam [here](

Alternatively, for non-Debian-based Linux distros, you can run: wget and start the following service: #/lib/systemd/system/blazegraph.service [Unit] Description=blazegraph - OriginTrail V6 Stage 1 Beta Node Documentation= [Service] Type=simple User=root...