We get this issue for our app from time to time in the Microsoft App Center. > Realms.Exceptions.RealmException: SetEndOfFile() failed: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with...
We're seeing this issue fairly frequently now with one customer. But now we are seeing a weird stack trace: ```Realms.Sync SharedRealmHandleExtensions.OpenWithSync ($Configuration configuration, $SyncConfiguration syncConfiguration, $RealmSchema schema, Byte[] encryptionKey) C:\jenkins\workspace\realm_realm\Realm\Realm\Handles\SharedRealmHandleExtensions.cs...
We haven't been able to reproduce
Very small database WINDOWS 10.0.19041 locale en-GB I have the raw dump from the app center. How can I share that with you in confidence?
We will investigate the VistaDb provider when available as we have struck issues with [inconsistencies between SQLite and SQL Server]( which currently block us from using DMS in our projects.
This same issue has not recurred, but from time to time (rarely) we do hear that the wrong company has got a few rows of another company's data intermingled with...
Speaking as one who is staying out of this discussion to another @gentledepp, how are sequential guids generated on the client? I'm not sure sequential numeric values are necessarily a...
I agree. I think the same principle should apply to triggers. DMS creates trigger names that could easily conflict with existing trigger names eg [table-name]_delete_trigger would be less likely to...
I am experiencing something similar (I think) after upgrade from DMS 0.9.7 to 0.9.8. Calling `await webServerAgent.RemoteOrchestrator.DropAllAsync();` now throws `[DropAllAsync]..[InternalGetSchemaAsync]..[InternalGetTableSchemaAsync].Table:scope_info_server..[FillSyncTableWithColumns].Table:scope_info_server..In table scope_info_server, the Column name sync_scope_name is not allowed. Please...
My understanding is that CRDT offers eventual consistency. This doesn't work for us. Our customers expect their data to be 'immediately' consistent across all devices in their company. We even...