> It's kind of strange because I made the firefly by basically taking the bee code and stripping it down to the bare minimum. It's actually fairly easy to explain...
We've got a fix made and will be releasing it as soon as it is all tested.
This should be fixed by this change in the code, which will be available on CurseForge when we have finished with the remaining changes for the next update.
The most recent reports are a different issue, albeit still involving Mohist (you can see that the logs are quite different). The 0.1.2 patch fixed the OP's issue (rendering code...
This has been frustrating for quite a few users of our packs too. It seems the solution is fairly simple: It does concern me that perhaps this isn't actually...
I submitted a fix for that issue back in June ( For some reason Vazkii never released an updated version on 1.15.2, which is disappointing since the fix is there...
What makes you think that Valhelsia Structures is the cause? Does removing it fix the crash? I can't see anything at all in the crash report that indicates that it's...
> Any idea as to when/if there will be a fix for those of us who use Optifine? I'd love to play with the mods in this group but I...
> How a mod that adds structures can conflict with Optifine? I'm legit baffled LOL Well, when OptiFine removes some Minecraft code related to 3D models, and a mod adds...
Those aren't intended to be used yet - they're not fully implemented.