Free RDP WebConnect from ( contains field PCB(vmID) that allows connection to hyper-v virtual machines. Can you add this functionality to Free RDP WebConnect? 2016-01-30 23:39 GMT+03:00 c64cosmin...
No. Just with Hyper-V. 2016-01-30 23:58 GMT+03:00 c64cosmin [email protected]: > Are you using it with Openstack? > > — > Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub...
Yes. But there isn't PCB(vmID) field in advanced options. (FreeRDP WebConnect Version 2016-01-31 0:13 GMT+03:00 c64cosmin [email protected]: > You just need to enter under advanced options in the login...
Installed from FreeRDP-WebConnect- Cloudbase FreeRDP WebConnect installed from FreeRDPWebConnect_Beta.msi 2016-01-31 0:21 GMT+03:00 c64cosmin [email protected]: > Can you tell me how you installed WebConnect, also could you send me a >...
Yes. It's in Free RDP Webconnect from cloudbase. But they don't continue development. But Free RDP Webconnect from continue development, but haven't PCB(vmID) field. I ask to add this...
I'm sorry. Can you close and delete this issue. I see that is newer that in . I's my mistake. Where can I download latest windows compiled FreeRDP-WebConnect?...
Thank you very much!!! 2016-01-31 0:54 GMT+03:00 Alessandro Pilotti [email protected]: > @Vadimda, there's an automated build system > that generates a new MSI anytime a patch lands in the...