Last Actions update was 7 days ago for me.
I'll give the flick back and forth a try and see if it triggers anything. My lists are still not updating. Update seems out of sync as well as I...
Thanks Jacob! My handle is @vabluebelle18.
Update - My Blocks last updated 7 days ago. Actions is now 17/18 days and it is also not reflecting new blocks I have done on Twitter during that time.
One account caught up 17 hours ago. The other two still no bueno.
Starting encountering problems as well which started yesterday. Sticks on "Redirecting you back to the application. This may take a few moments." screen for several minutes during auth process then...
Problem is back again. Have not been able to access Blocktogether for past two days. Keep getting "Error: Problem during app authorization" message during authorization.
Have you thought about setting up a gofundme? I for one would be happy to promote on Twitter as many rely on your app!