Please add right click support to hydroxide if like ButtonY or ButtonB is pressed so i can use hydroxide in vr
[2024-05-01 16:19:42.066] [GTProxy] [info] Resolved www.growtopia1.com to ###### [2024-05-01 16:19:42.170] [GTProxy] [error] Failed to get response from server: HTTP status code: 403 [2024-05-01 16:19:42.171] [GTProxy] [info] POST /growtopia/server_data.php 200 growtopia2.com...
- Il2CppDumper version: v6.7.46 - Target Unity version: 2021.3.29f1 - Im properly giving it the metadata and game assembly and its claiming its not a valid. - [Assembly and metadata](https://mega.nz/file/nLADWAgI#T7KZ1_pmj-a7SUM05fFblaMrYBfpNtvqglSQe3k0K1E)