@Sir-Slimestone If it is completely flat there might be something wrong with settings. In my case map size was too big just like #5
Same happening for me. In my case, I want to craft Energy Distributor Module from Energy Output Module and Distributor Module. RS does not see available Distributor Modules nor want...
Had the same issue. Managed to craft table though. Loaded data from any Mekanism machine onto the card by shift + right click. Used that card to craft the workbench.
Same happening for me. Genymotion API 21 emulator and API 33 physical device work fine, but Genymotion API 30 emulator fails. processing-core v411 --- UPD: processing-core v408 - v411 fails...
Both recipe browser (which has solid background color) and favorite recipes panel (transparent background) allow click through them on other UI elements. I do not know if that was intentional...