For request without token `ydb -e grpc://localhost:22136 -d /Root/test scripting yql -s "create async replication replication1 for \`/Root/test/table1\` as table2 with (connection_string='grpc://localhost:22136/?database=/Root/test')"` it returned nothing, created replication item in database,...
implicit transaction in per statement mode ### Changelog entry make 1 implicit transaction for all multi statement query ### Changelog category * Improvement ### Additional information ...
### Changelog entry enable ast cache, per statement execution and fix issues for per statement execution ### Changelog category * Improvement ### Additional information ...
Proto: https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/blob/173b73956a37e897f40a993a6ad2370884cb77aa/ydb/public/api/protos/ydb_topic.proto#L1151-L1241
### Changelog entry add history to some logs in dsproxy ### Changelog category * Improvement ### Additional information ...